A Special Message To The 15 MANformation Steps “Graduates” . . .

I want to put you on a structured, outlined, step-by-step MANformation journey
that begins with a private, one-on-one coaching session with me.

You’ve made is this far with me.

I know your time and energy are limited.

I want you to dig deep and read this ENTIRE message.

I know this important message could change your life.

Not every man who starts on the 15 MANformation Steps journey actually finishes all of the steps.

I admire any man who takes action and starts on the journey toward self-improvement.

And, I have ULTIMATE RESPECT for the select few men who do what they set out to do and actually finish.

I want to do everything I can to help men like you who are serious about becoming a better man for themselves, their families (or future families), and their own communities or “tribes.”

That’s exactly why I’ve put this Special MANformation Journey Package together for YOU.

This extremely limited offer includes a ONE-TIME private, one-on-one 90-minute phone coaching session with ME.

Yes, you’ll be speaking directly with me on the phone during this coaching session–and not with any of my staff or other coaches.

You must TAKE ACTION NOW, though.

There are many rock-solid reasons why you want to jump all over this opportunity while it’s still available to you.

One-on-one coaching is the MOST POWERFUL way for a man to grow and create real, lasting change in his life. PERIOD.

As I talked about during the 15 MANformation Steps, I wish I would have understood it’s POWER many years prior to my breakthrough.

I wish I would have realized all of the LIMITATIONS with generic, generalized “motivational” talk along with the great qualities.

We ALL lack objectivity and perspective when we deal with our many options and personal challenges in life. We ALL can use more accountability. Myself included.

That’s why even I continue get one-on-one coaching myself.

Here’s the challenge:

The challenge with me doing weekly, private one-on-one coaching at this stage of my career is the INCREDIBLE INTENSITY required to create real, significant change in ambitious men just like you.

I’ve worked with hundreds of men, for thousands of hours over the phone, for many years now–and I’ve LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! I love seeing the amazing changes that my guys have made in their lives.

However, I spend less and less time doing private one-on-one coaching because of my other business ventures and the tremendous of amount of willpower, focus, energy, and time that the massively-effective private one-on-one coaching requires. I can now see why my mentors, like Tony Robbins and others, very rarely do one-on-one coaching these days.

I’ve become really SELECTIVE with who I choose to work with privately. In fact, I now make anyone interested in one-on-one coaching go through the 15 MANformation Steps as the first step of my screening process.

But I still believe with 100 percent certainty that one-on-one coaching is the most effective and most powerful way to create real, lasting change.

I just don’t have as much time or emotional intensity to help everyone who comes to me.

I turn away men interested in coaching all the time and wait until I’m certain they are ready.

You can probably see now why I invested so much time and effort creating the 15 MANformation Steps and offering it for free.

I still am committed to helping men just like you–even with my willpower, focus, energy, and time limitations.

I will still go out of my way to help men who are truly committed, though. That’s just who I am.

That’s why I am offering the “graduates” of the 15 MANformation Steps this Special MANformation Journey Package.

You’ll get the opportunity to talk to me privately for a 90-minute coaching phone call. I will get you CLEAR. I will get you FOCUSED. I will help you produce the RESULTS you really want in your life.

I will help you gain CONTROL of the direction you want to go in and help you create a STEP-BY-STEP ACTION PLAN-OF-ATTACK.

I will help you understand exactly how these 15 MANformation Steps apply specifically to you, your life, and your specific conditions. I will provide you with OBJECTIVITY, PERSPECTIVE, and ACCOUNTABILITY.

In addition to the individual attention, I will set you up on a structured, step-by-step plan to totally IMMERSE yourself in the fun and exciting MANformation process.

You won’t have to “wing it.” I’m going to take really good care of you. I will NOT let you down.

You’ll get the MANformation “The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader” course, the MANformation II “Get Your Swagger Back!” course, and the DAILY VIDEOS in the MANformation University power, influence, and persuasion strategies.

You’ll know EXACTLY what to do and HOW to do it.

You’ll be become one of the very few driven men who are a part of my “inner circle.”

ALL of this powerful MANformation programming I mentioned is all location in one convenient place.

Everything that I mentioned in this package is inside of MANformation University. The very same member only website that has your lifetime access to the 15 MANformation Steps.

Once, you’ve registered for the Special MANformation Journey Package, you’ll get immediate, INSTANT access the very same way and in the very same place as the 15 MANformation Steps.

HOW THIS WILL WORK: Once you place your Special MANformation Journey Package order, I will contact you by email to set up your 90-minute, private one-on-one coaching session personally with me. I want to talk to you as soon as possible. As your coach, it’s important for me to get you started on this journey immediately and when your ambition is most intense.

Hurry. If you snooze, you lose.

This offer will be made available–and then NOT be made available–without any advanced notice due to my time constraints.

Before you click the link to find out how much this incredible Special MANformation Journey Package is going to cost you . . .

. . . I will tell you this:

It will NOT cost you anywhere close to the $2,000 that a lot of men have paid for some of the digital courses I’ve created.

And, although it is well worth it just for the one-on-one coaching time with me alone, the package is well BELOW $1,000.

In fact, this Special MANformation Journey Package is even well BELOW a $500 investment (if you can believe that!).

Click this link now and take advantage of this extremely limited opportunity while you can.


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